
Monday, April 18, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 16

On the wall today, I'm trying to lay out my Layer Cake Quilt Along.
Looking at it now... I don't want two star blocks in the second row. I don't want the two "boxy" blocks on top of each other on the right side. I seem to have more blocks dominated by blue than I thought. And I chose a blue border? Eek!
Not to mention I still have to make the last block before I start sewing anything together.

Check out more design walls on Patchwork Times!


  1. Switcheroo is a great game to play :) Hope you find a setting you like for these pretty blocks!

  2. I have also been having trouble with my layer cake quilt along layout. I finally laid mine out on my living room floor for an entire day and switched blocks around as they popped out at me. I think it worked. I really like your blocks, and I think once you get them all sewn together you won't really notice the things that may be standing out to you now :) I think a blue border will really tie it all together. It's going to look great!

  3. Your blocks look great! I'm finding this quilt challenging to make decisions on also. My original sashing fabric just doesn't work. I plan to work on it more in May.

  4. I finished the last two blocks yesterday and have all 12 on the wall, too. I am considering splitting mine into two smaller quilts just so some of the colors don't have to play together.
