
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday - Week 5

In the military, there's a game called Crud, which basically involves hitting two pool balls together. If you hit the ball and it doesn't move six inches, your opposition can yell "no six!" and then you're dead. If the opposition is wrong, they're dead.
I'm not allowed to call "no six" because I can't judge the distance.
I also have no idea how big a 15x21" purse is until I make it.
So, um, yeah, I think I need to trim this down a bit. I was going for a purse, not a beach bag.

Steelers Quilt: one and a half more blocks pieced as leaders/enders. 

Layer Cake Quilt Along: pieced Block 10 (and picked apart and re-pieced), fixed Block 8, added a middle piece to Block 5, started piecing Block 6... Almost caught up! 

Planes, Stripes and Automo-dots: (new) pieced, basted and halfway quilted.
I'm stitching in the ditch because I think it looks cool on the back. 

Come Sail Away Quilt: picked out the little free motion quilting I did and took it to my long-arm quilter.

Completed Projects: Alpha Phi T-shirt Quilt

Untouched This Week:
iSpy Sliced Coin Quilt Along
LQS Saturday Sampler 

Awaiting Quilting: Bad Romance 

In Planning
Hunter's Star Quilt (sister) - my ruler should arrive today! I think I'm going to test it out on my Mon Sheri FQs. Or maybe Sweet Divinity. I'll see what the pattern calls for.
Rudolph Quilt (the Dude)
Frolic Jelly Roll Sampler (me!)

Second Snow White commissioned.
(new) Knitting bag and pattern holder for my sister. 

This Week's Stats:
New Projects: 2
Completed Projects: 1
In Progress: 13

Check out more at Freshly Pieced!


  1. haha! I have that problem too. Although, the more quilting I do, the better I've gotten at estimating size and distance. I say use it as a beach bag! ;)

  2. LOL - I would have no idea about that either. Patterns should always show somebody holding the purse so you can gauge it better! Well, it's cute anyway. : ) Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday, have a great week.

  3. I have done that too! Somehow I just assume something clever is about to happen with the large pieces of fabric. I like your blue quilt!
