
Monday, March 28, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 13

I'm calling it "Planes, Stripes and Automo-dots." You may groan like my husband.
 It's for a baby shower for one of his co-workers, and every bit is from my stash! Disappearing nine-patch, started with 7.5" blocks, should finish around 42" square.
On the top, the Steelers leaders/enders are moving along.
Three down, um, probably around 39 to go?

Check out more walls at Patchwork Times!


  1. OMG my dad would kill for the Steelers quilt!! Too cute.

  2. It'll be a very cute quilt and I love the name. Of course, I'm biased since my dad likes to keep life "punny" and believes in a daily dose of corny jokes to keep you healthy.
