
Friday, August 22, 2014

Some Little Finishes

I just spent a couple days in Seattle with the boys, celebrating my birthday, where I learned that the Dude is now dangerous in quilt stores. He no longer complains about being there. No, he's in the shelves, picking fabric, and confidently ordering a quarter yard and three quarter yard.

Yup, he's addicted to pillowcases. This is Robert Kaufman's The Last Frontier and Stargazers. And I don't want fabric marinating in the sewing room anymore, so I whipped them together this morning.

I also made a stack of burp clothes for my sister - Army ones for her husband...

...and UConn ones for her!

And the last of the small finishes - I pulled this out of the "quilted" pile, put an envelope style back on it, and declared it done. The quilt {Sunkissed Jewel Box} was finished in 2013 - these were the four blocks that didn't make it in. They make a great little pillow, even though I don't think I planned to save two greens and two greys.

The backing is a bit more Sunkissed by Sweetwater, and I did just so happen to cut the pieces of a churn dash before putting the rest in the green bin.


  1. I adore your pillow, the coloring makes it feel so calming.

  2. Burp-clothes are so fun to make and love that pillow! I have some sunkissed left, thanks for the reminder :)

  3. I love the term marinating for fabric that's just hanging around! That pillow is gorgeous, and the pillow cases look great too. And personalized burp cloths, great idea! Thanks for linking to TGIFF.

  4. I love that the dude is ordering his own fabric. Great burp cloths.

  5. Welcome to may world - my two eldest children have no problem asking for fat quarters and cuts of fabric. A pillowcase obsession isn't half bad.

    Ah, Sunkissed. I still have a Sunkissed project to finish. Your pillow is lovely!

  6. Fun little projects. The Dude's pillow cases are really fun. Your left over blocks made up into an elegant little pillow.
