
Sunday, August 31, 2014

August - The Fastest Month?

I really can't believe how fast August went. We had a little time with family, then Cub Scout camp, then VBS, then Seattle, then it was supposed to be a week of nothing before school starts, and it's already Sunday. How did it get to be Sunday??

Let's hope September goes by just as quickly, since we heard the dreaded "thirty days extension" words. {My response: Wait, you had an end date to extend from?}

Anyway, with no "babysitter" for long-arming, I was stuck with finishing things around here.

Like table runners. So many table runners. 

And some pillowcases.

 photo IMG_1621_zps007069e7.jpg
And a pillow cover

And Christmas Stars! My AYOLF goal!

And a quickie NewFO and finish, cat mug rug.

Then there's the flimsies...

Gigi's Denim, Pillowcase and Sawtooth Star. Which needs a better name. 

And Luscious Picnic.

And my fetus-nephew's quilt.

A couple quilts moved to the "Just Needs Borders" list...

Cardinal Charms - borders already on hand, just needs to be put together

Spin Cycle - getting my Miss Kate order ready to go!!

And a few quilts had blocks added to the pile.

Weekly Churn Dashes

Ripples and Reflections - I tried laying it out, but not really enough elements are done yet. Soon! I think by Step Six or so, I start putting things together.

California Hourglasses

In life, besides the thirty day extension, we had our three-month social worker visit. And I got a high five! Doing everything right. "You mean, considering my husband is deployed?" Nope, I'm apparently rocking this. Woo! Of course, I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's "right."

We still have very little communication - he learns signs, but not English. Or Korean - I listened to him sing a song in Korean and it was essentially "Row row row your boat....row row row your boat..." He will have a speech evaluation soon and hopefully will be at the local school for services.

CC is a year old! She's eleven pounds and still has such a baby face. The vet said to expect her to be 15+ pounds full grown, BEFORE becoming fat. As all cats do.

Tycho had a series of testing in July to determine why he's lost three pounds in two years - all of which determined he's in excellent health for a senior cat. He has trouble processing proteins, so he started special food. And can't have ANY table food, which has caused much complaining.

I've been racking up the treadmill miles during naptime. I'm as speedy as a gazelle! If gazelles can barely maintain a ten-minute-mile. Next half marathon is in four weeks.

And the blog switchover? I'm considering hitting the button after this post goes live. Which is probably the wrong way...

A Year of Lovely Finishes
Fresh Sewing Day @ Lily's Quilts
NewFO @ Cat Patches


  1. You are one busy lady. Laughed at your "end date to extend from" comment. So true!

    Still considering crashing Spokane area to babysit for you. But I don't do signs, or speak Korean!

  2. You had a great August, hope your September is as good. Sorry about the 30 day extension. My Guy heads out later this week for what looks to be a 2 week business trip. It's always harder when they aren't home. You cope with a lot more frequent and longer absences than I do.

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