
Friday, May 2, 2014

Felt Friday Finish - Quiet Book Pages

This is the start of an on-going project, much like the soon-to-be-revitalized {or at least the Dude hopes} Felt Food Friday.

Since I'm about to have a toddler I have to entertain for a God-awful amount of time on an airplane, I made some quiet book pages.

Of course, it's not really a book yet. I have some grommets to put it together, but the grommet tools are...not working with me. So right now, I have some pages and a whole lot of ideas.

But aren't they cute pages?

In action!

There's still a lot of stuff that still needs to happen. Like Doctor Who finger puppets. And grommets in the shoes so they can be laced. {Coincidentally, those are the Tenth Doctor's shoes. COINCIDENTALLY, I said!}

And more clothes for Pororo - a Korean cartoon character. That's his usual hat and goggles, but I'm going to make a police outfit and fireman outfit and Jedi robe and....etc.

The Dude loves this project - he designed the monster himself. He's been helping me come up with a list of pages that we have to have - like match the socks, Tic Tac Toe, braid Princess Leia's hair, and pet the Wampa.

{Okay, so we're not a normal family. But the Little Man was going to figure that out soon enough anyway, right?}



  1. Fun idea for your little guy! A project quite different from quilting though! I enjoyed making one for grandgirl, but it was also challenging with those grommets etc. etc.

  2. Great ideas for your activity book, fun that everyone is helping with it. Hope your return trip to Korea happens soon.

  3. Coming out of lurkdom to say this is a truly fabulous idea. Only thing missing is a fez and bowtie and perhaps a dalek or two. Hope your new little one enjoys it.

    1. Of course there will be a bowtie! Bowties are cool! ;)

    2. ;) Of course they are. Wondering how one would do fish sticks and custard in felt...

  4. This is such a cute idea! The interactive pages are so fun and sure to entertain a little one!

    Thank you so much for partying at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  5. Love the quiet book ideas! Trying to think of a way you can incorporate a Dalek!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Fun, fun pages. It's good that The Dude is having fun designing them. He's doing a great job.

    As DT is fond of saying "Normal is boring, but eccentric is interesting."
