
Monday, March 10, 2014

Weekly Progress - Still Moving Along

Still doing a pretty good job knocking things off the UFO/to-do list. It helps that I have so much stuff allllllllllllmost done, plus nervous energy to spare. 

And I know this is the home stretch - in less than a month, the Little Man should be home with us, and my sewing time will be severely limited. Since I've been waiting, oh, almost two years for this, I plan on enjoying the break.

Skorca! - and after promising it to the Dude for two years, it was a good finish to knock off the list!

{Oh, and there's a giveaway on that post. You might want to check it out.}

Chunky Log Cabin and Central Park Sudoku - Chunky just needed the borders, and CPS was pinned to my zippers, so it got ahead of Reverse Hearts. I do have binding for Chunky, but not CPS, so it'll still be a while before CPS becomes a finish.

Okay, it's not quite piecing, but I cut out the letters for the growth chart that went with the H is for Henry quilt panel. That meant the teal leftovers were finally free to...

...become a Weekly Churn Dash. Henry was my first ever long arm finish, so of course one of his teals would make it into the churn dashes.

I started a table runner based on my Hearts and Cabin, for a friend. One more heart and it's into the quilting box!

More Spin Cycle blocks, slowly moving along here. Really wish I could get a good shot, but we've got some rainy, dreary weather out here.

And I strip-pieced the main body of the Monkey quilt. It's supposed to be a "bed," with the white as a sheet and the blue dots as a pillow. I can't decide if the monkey applique is too small - it's only about 10" on a 44" quilt body. But the monkey will also have paws and a tail appliqued onto the "sheet," so... I don't know. It seems like a lot of white space for a kid's quilt!

And gratuitous kitten pic. What, were you USING this?



  1. I really love your spin cycle blocks. Very happy colors and fabric choices!

  2. Oooh, those spin cycles are lovely and I hadn't heard of that block pattern before today, so you have taught me something. That top quilt is amazing! Giveaway at mine if you're interested?! xCathy

  3. Agreed - your spin cycle blocks are really pretty - can only imagine how much prettier they are without the rainy dreary weather. I'm with you in the weather department, although we did have a burst of sunshine this evening.

    So excited for your little man to make his appearance. Good to get all these finishes out of the way before you don't have time to do it anymore!

  4. Your Orca Bay is beautiful and you are really getting things finished. Great job! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  5. Ok, that kitty may be naughty, but sooo pretty. :) What a great set of work finished, too! Go, Kate. :D Pretty exciting for your new son to finally be coming soon. Can't wait for that to happen - I know it's been a very long, lonnnnnng haul for you.

  6. I am amazed that you worked on all of those projects in the same week!!!! Lol, I feel like such a slacker. But seriously, they are beautiful. Have fun on your "break". ;)

  7. You have been moving along on the finishes! Congrats. Skorca looks great!

  8. Looks like you have been getting a lot done! Love your spin cycle blocks! Can't wait to see the quilt top completed!
    Congrats on your little one coming home soon! :)

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday
