
Monday, March 3, 2014

Weekly Progress - Striped Table Runners

Y'all. I have a new addiction.

And it's not a TV show.

Or Benedict Cumberbatch.

{CC....still a PITA!}

I took a class on these striped table runners, because my mom bought the witch fabric a while ago and asked for one. I bought the pattern in Oklahoma, but finally committed to the class here, because I wanted someone to hold my hand for the first few cuts.

They are so easy, once someone holds your hand through the first few cuts! A yard and a half yields two long runners and one hexagon one, with only a little bit of excess fabric.

I may have a problem. But at least it's a quick project!


Reverse Hearts top - ready to quilt!

I feathered all the blocks of Chunky Log Cabin, but ran out of time before I got to the borders. Back on Wednesday this week.

I have been picking out the quilting in Skorca for a while now. I originally quilted it at home with my walking foot, and it was terrible. Not in an "oh, I think it's terrible but it's really kind of okay" - really, terrible. 

It was well pinned, but see that bubble behind Skipper? The quilt kept shifting and stretching over and over with each line, and it kept getting worse. My stitches were awful - I'd hit a massive seam and stop, then have large jumps when the walking foot finally made it through. There's puckers all over the back.

I made it about halfway across the top and quit last year out of frustration. I honestly think Bonnie Hunter's patterns can't be quilted at home with a walking foot - there's just too many seams and bias edges.

Enter the long arm late last year, and suddenly Skorca is a viable project again. I'm down to one episode of Downton Abbey of stitch picking to go, and the plan is to get it quilted and bound for the Dude's birthday. Only two years late!

Weekly Churn Dash - the border from Flirt, because I love Flirt so very much and I would make every churn dash this month from it if it hadn't been a jelly roll.

Spin Cycle is moving along well. Once all the square-in-square blocks are done, each block goes together quickly.

I'm debating using the dark blue from Happy Go Lucky. I like it...but I think it's way out of the color scheme, and would be distracting. I don't need it - I have plenty of fabric to finish without it - but...I really love those puff balls! Thoughts?



  1. Those table runners look really cool. Do I have to take a class or is there a tutorial somewhere?

    A long arm is on my "someday" list. Unfortunately someday is a long way off. What kind do you use?

  2. your table runners are awesome!

  3. Love the puff balls, personally. I say keep them. Just incorporate a smidge more navy perhaps?

    I'm interested in these table runners. How does it all work? I'm a little slow tonight. Resisting the siren call of "Sherlock!"

  4. I am completely loving those table runners. It is a totally worthwhile addiction. :) Plus your are making great progress.

  5. Love the table runners! There are worse additions than those for sure!

    I'd keep the navy too, but add some more of the same tone somewhere else.

  6. wowsers! You are going great guns! Nice runners/toppers!

  7. You have some wonderful projects and the runners are so neat! I think trying to use a walking foot on one of Bonnie's mystery quilts would be hard on a domestic. I just do a medium size stippling on mine and don't have any problem. Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  8. so much to see! I particularly like the homey colors and feel to your log cabin quilt. those spin cycle fabrics are looking bright and cheery, too. sorry about all the unpicking. =( been there. but if it will make you happier with the quilt in the end, it's worth it!

  9. Your table runners are awesome. I think I would need more than just my hand held for support. They look SO hard. Also, I love you Vera Bradley quilt. I am now retired and am bona sell all of my VB pocket books. I have so many. I loved her things. Your chunky log cabin caught my eye, too. I would love to make one of those.

  10. The runners!! I LOVE that daisy set. Man, Kate! Big-time kudos to you for picking out all that quilting on your Skorca - so much work, but it's going to be wonderful when it's requilted. :D

  11. I like your honesty in admitting the quilting was not good. I certainly have a problem admitting it myself. I had two bad rows on a charity quilt last month and I unpicked them and just re-quilted them this month. I did not mention it in my blog because I was too embarrassed. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Churn Dash is one of my favourite blocks. Looks great in teal. Spin Cycle is showing good progress. If you have a dark blue block the dark centre spin cycle block should work just fine.

  13. You have some beautiful table runners, and a great teal churn dash block. Well done.

  14. So much accomplished this week! Love your little churn dash block. Too cute.

  15. You deserve a Gold Sticker for all you've accomplished - awesome! I love your table runners. And I had to laugh, because on Thursday I finished up the last episode of Downtown Abbey (got them through Amazon Prime), and now I don't know what to listen to/watch during my sewing sessions. I'm having Downton withdrawals already - gasp!!!

  16. Wow! You got a lot done this week. Such pretty blocks - that churn dash is calling to me. I'll have to start making mine this week.

  17. Wow Kate, you are one busy girl! Love your table runners, I have never seen that pattern before! I can't wait to see how these quilts look finished! Oh, and I can't imagine unpicking all of that work---I would not have the patience! Can't wait to see how it looks when you re-quilt it!

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday
