
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Nine Patch Snowballs - Finished!

Here's one with a boring name. 

Very descriptive. Very boring.

It came from a kit from one of my LQSes in Oklahoma. It's a three-yard pattern from Fabric Cafe, which I promptly ignored, because snowballs are much more awesome than plain old blocks.

I finished the top last summer...yeah, 2012. It languished on the to-be-quilted pile for a while. I finally got a backing last month, and plopped it on the long arm a couple weeks ago.

Ooh, pretty loops on a minkee back!

My new bestest blog buddy once said "doing these loopy swirly things is like doing donuts with a Ferrari" - but hey, we're both still learning.

{Look how I got that perfectly fussy cut rose in this shot. Totally planned.}

Fabric is Sew Cherry by Lori Holt.

48" square



  1. that's very cute :) nice bright colours for a modern twist on a classic

  2. Such a happy quilt! Congratulations on your finish.

  3. Such a cheery, bright quilt. Well done on that fussy cutting and the quilting! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!, Katie!

  4. Totally planned, huh? Good job on the fussy cutting. Mine almost always happens on accident!

    Love your pretty loops. If I ever get my hands on a Ferrari, I'm driving to you, in the snow, so we can find a big ol' parking lot and do some donuts. Because I want to see if it's true.

    Gorgeous finish my friend!

    1. Oh, and I'm blushing, and smiling, over the "credit" - you're just awesome!

  5. oh how nice!!! Congrats on a lovely finish.

  6. Very pretty. I like this more each time I see it. Congrats on the finish.

  7. Very nice. I love the back too. Wow, you made so many cute quilts in 2013. I enjoyed seeing your progress!
