
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Loopy Ewe Quilt - Finished!

My last Christmas finish! And it was a super fast one. 

And I waited forever for some snow to photograph it against, but the Northwest refused to oblige. Until tomorrow, but the box is already on its way to my sister. Boo, weather. {But at least I'm done with all my shopping and shipping, and can enjoy the snow with sangria cookies at home.}


My sister spotted Lewe the Ewe at one of my LQS when she was here in early November. We did some Googling and found the holiday panel, and quickly figured how many borders would whip it into lap size.

Two 2" and one 8", in case you're wondering.

While the quilt itself is simple, the quilting is a little more detailed. I used a Quick Swipe and stencil to add a few holly and berries...

...and a couple little snowflakes amid the usual loops. It was good practice!

The back is more Lewe, in flannel. I was accused of being too OCD when I pointed out that the sheep are sideways. {But it's WRONG.}

And that's my first bias binding! Love that candy cane stripe.

Gratuitous kitten picture! CC valiantly defended the quilt against the evil hands and their minions, the pins.

...or so.



  1. How cute! Love the snowflake fabrics and quilting!

  2. That is just adorable - what a great job! I love the sheep! Have a super Christmas!

  3. So what is this mysterious Quick Swipe stuff? Amateur hour over here. I love your holly and berries and snowflakes. Going to have to remember those next week when I get to quilt mine!

    Gorgeous job, but yes, the sheep are wrong. Guess it's a good thing it isn't at your house, right? I'm OCD that way too, so you're okay. Or we're both weird. But that's okay too!

  4. Very cute! Congrats on another finish.
