
Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekly Progress - Bits and Pieces

I had a lot of little progress on a variety of projects this week - trying to balance projects that need to get done in the near future. But since I'm crossing things off the list rapidly, I think it's working okay. For now. Until I realize I can't find the top of my cutting table again.


Worked on:
Pieced all the rows. Now to put them together...eventually...when I have time...

Pieced all the blocks for the twin boy versions, started assembling.

The second set of blocks - I used the same charm packs but changed the outside of the on-point blocks. They both have quilting scheduled for Wednesday, so I need to get a move on the assembly!

Creeper Costume - started piecing the strip sets

All the blocks prepped for my sister's wedding quilt! Which she doesn't want called the boring "wedding quilt #1." Any suggestions?

Rainbow Boats - pieced the boats/background. The top will be filled with an applique sun and rainbow, but I needed the bottom done for scale. I've got my fusible web ready for sketching in between piecing the twin quilts.

The girl How Charming quilt is quilted, but not yet bound.

And finally, finished the baby blue scrap blocks, and cut/pieced scraps from Henry's quilt immediately. This month is grey/black, which is my sashing, so I will probably going to ignore the assigned color and catch up on the months I'm behind.

What's not on the list? St. Paul's Cross. Ugh. I know, I already failed at four blocks a week. I'm trying to get a few deadline things done before my sister's wedding, so it got pushed to the back burner. Hopefully I'll get back to it soon and not wait another two years!



  1. You are jamming with those scrap blocks. LOVE the sailboat quilt so far!! Wedding quilt name. . . hmmmm, I remember calling the one I made for my sister "Katie Loves Chris" - is there anything that works that encompasses the idea of the signatures? My brain's processing Japanese American internment camp information on high speed in the background, so it's hard for me to be creative these days. . .

  2. Wow, you've got a lot going on! Love your "Flirt" project, very pretty. Good luck with all your goals.

  3. Just found your blog! Your description about yourself was totally relatable! Love the flirt marks the spot quilt! Really pretty!

  4. A lot of pretty stuff! What a busy week.
