
Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekly Progress - St. Paul's Cross

Another week, another slow bit of progress on St. Paul.

I added eight more blocks, and now I am taking a break for a week. I can't fully participate in Selfish Sewing Week - I have way too many commitments for that - but I can selfishly set these aside for a week and come back refreshed for another round of them.

After I finished the weekly quota of paper piecing, I moved on to another new-ish skill - applique.

{H is for Henry - Art to Heart}

Although this isn't exactly the hard part, I have all the letters cut out and fused down. I don't have matching thread, so I'll continue my studies on the blanket stitch before heading to the store.

I also added two more blocks on the Flirt rows and therefore a couple bits of leader/ender RSC, but didn't take a picture.

And I started taping squares to cardstock for my sister's wedding quilt.

September is "learn something new" month with the Fifteen Minute Challenge, so I refreshed my barely-existent skills at paper piecing and applique. On Thursday, I get to learn how to longarm quilt. There's a local place that rents time on their machines, so I'm hoping this will help clear off the list of unfinished tops!


  1. That's a good idea, the cardstock - it's so hard to write on fabric that's not secured.

  2. You are definitely taking the "learning something new" to heart. Good luck with the long arm quilting.

  3. Have fun with the longarm! I'd like to try that sometime.

  4. Pretty quilt. Never had the opportunity to try the long arm! Best of luck.

  5. I really like your St. Pauls Cross quilt!! Best of luck with the long arm quilting!

  6. Your St. Paul's Cross blocks are gorgeous. It's going to be a beautiful quilt. Let me know how the rent a long arm goes. There is a shop not too far from here that offers that service, but I've been too chicken to try it.
