
Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly Progress - Paper Piecing

This month's Fifteen Minute Challenge is to learn something new. Well, paper piecing isn't quite new - I learned how to do it waaaaaaaaaaay back in September 2011. But I have done exactly one paper piecing project {barely} since then.

And relearning hurt.

There's just so.many.steps.

The first couple of days, I made a whole bunch of the parts, then tried to assemble them all into blocks at once. But there's a Y-seam. And I missed the intersection on the first three blocks, which became frustrating to the point that I might have quit if the fourth one didn't come out okay.

After that, I switched to 1-2 blocks a day. Harder to chain piece. But slightly less stabby.

And so, at the end of the first week, I have a whopping eight St. Paul's Cross blocks to show for my effort.

After all that work for eight blocks, I went into normal speed piecing mode on Saturday. Polished off all the blocks for Flirt and started assembling the rows.

Which finished off all the red RSC leader/enders. Then I pulled out the light blue bin, sorted and pressed and got to cutting. My next stack of leader/enders is ready to go!

And my last bit of weekly project arrived in the mail! 17 Kona and Bella in greys and purples, which will be sliced and diced for my sister's wedding guest book quilt.

{The bottom blue-grey might not make the cut. I need about five more greys, so we'll see what it looks like when the pile is complete.}


  1. Can't wait to watch the wedding book quilt start growing. :) Love your crosses - those Y seams will slow you down, for sure, but they're neat!

  2. Boy, I think 8 of those paper-pieced blocks is amazing progress! Paper-pieced AND a y-seam? yikes.

  3. Look at all those lovely Kona! The crosses are wonderful!

  4. Paper piecing .. great way to work on something new.

  5. Great blocks. I like paper piecing but I have to be in the right mood. I find it easy to become discouraged when I make a mistake.

  6. Those paper pieced blocks are so cool though! Worth the effort, I think.

  7. Even with paper piecing, those St. Peter's Cross blocks don't look to be easy. Love the purple and grays you've picked for your sister's quilt. It's going to be beautiful.
