
Monday, August 12, 2013

Pets on Quilts Show

Last time, I featured Tycho in the Pets on Quilts Show, because Tycho loves quilts. Constantly. Too much.

Wedge wasn't all that into the quilting thing.

Tried to bribe him with treats to pose on my Halloween Hexagons. Not much luck.

Did someone run through your layout and mess it all up? Gee, that's terrible...I think it was the white cat.

He spent most of his days napping on the bed, which was, occasionally and to his dismay, used for scrap sorting.

Or he napped in sunny spots, like in front of my design wall. {Don't go away, sunny spot!}

Or sometimes he protested the placement of things on his spots by draping himself awkwardly over them.

Oh, look, it's a sunny chair. You go ahead and baste, Mom; I'm good here.

And his favorite spot, of course, was on my lap, preventing me from doing anything sewing sorting those patterns.

Unfortunately, this post is in past tense. After a five month battle with lymphoma, Wedge passed away last week. It breaks my heart that he never got to find the sunny spots in Washington.

5/2001 - 8/2/2013



  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. A pet is a member of the family. He was beautiful and will live on in your memory and the lovely pictures you have taken. Huggs.

  2. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend...he seemed quite a character. Beautiful photos

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a cute little fellow and obviously very much loved which I'm sure he knew.

  4. So sorry to hear about his going to the Rainbow Bridge- have no fear he will continue supervising as you quilt!

    I just love the hexagon quilt-

  5. Such a sweet one to have to say good bye to! Cherish these your memories of him and enjoy these photos. He will always keep that place in your heart.

  6. So sorry to hear about your furry friend! We do get so attached to them! I love the picture after messing them up! Looks as though kitty had a fun time!

  7. So sorry for the loss of your fur baby. I lost 2 in the last 3 months and we had them both for 16-18 years. The last one was the hardest because I was so attached to her. It's wonderful to have photos of our fur babies to remember and cherish them. Thanks for sharing.

  8. So sorry about your kitty. It's hard to lose a good friend.

  9. Oh Kate I am sorry you have lost Wedge, it is the thing I hate about our beloved pets that they leave us. Thank you for the memories though. Susie x

  10. Really sorry for your loss. We lost Ben our Basset to cancer in Feb and I still miss him terribly. We have them for so short a time but they enrich our lives no end and I wouldn't change a single thing. Wedge was obviously one well loved cat.

  11. Helloooo ~ Let me introduce myself, I am Sweet William The Scot, and I am taking the tour of the quilts. I am more of a dog blogger, but I have made three quilts in my lifetime. Black cats and Halloween definitely go together. I am sorry for your loss of Wedge. I hope your heart can be light with the memories of the joy he brought into your life.
    Sweet William The Scot

  12. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. He looks like he was a very happy kitty.

  13. Sorry to hear of your loss - Wedge was a handsome cat and by the looks of it a great companion!

  14. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

  15. What a lovely way to remember your beautiful cat. He certainly looked like a character and I am sure that he has made a lot of people smile this last week.
    Thanks so much for sharing his quilt I hope that in time it makes you smile too.
    Hugs for your loss.

  16. Stopping in to see how your move went and my heart just dropped. I'm so sorry for your family's loss.

  17. You have my sympathy in your loss of Wedge. As I was doing my blog post for the Pets on Quilts Show, I shared some pictures of my Midget and it was very sad for me, but what memories we made together! Miss him still and it's been a couple of years.

  18. Oh, I am so sorry to hear that Wedge is not with us any more. I am so glad that you shared in the pet show, tho. He looks like a wonderful quilt inspector and companion. Thanks for joining in the linky party.

  19. I am so sorry for your loss. He looks like such a sweetie. i am so glad you shared him with us.
    good luck in the contest.
    I am cat#84
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  20. So sorry that Wedge didn't get to find a sunny spot in Washington.

  21. I'm sure Wedge is enjoying the sunshine everyday. Love the hexie design!

  22. Wonderful post and memorial to Wedge. I am so sorry for your loss as it is never easy to lose a much loved companion. Thanks for sharing Wedge's story.
