
Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekly Progress - Moving Along

Finally, things are slowing down on the house, so I have some spare time to make some quilt deadlines! We are doing the last clean sweep this week, making sure all the paint is touched up, and possibly listing it by the weekend if our realtor thinks we're ready! Whew. That was a loooooooooong six weeks.


Almost finished!
Fractured Four Patch - just tying off the quilting threads from the middle sections. Why, oh why, did I do double lines?

Rainbow Sherbet - we're going to a wedding this weekend, so I'll get to hand this off to my MIL in person! {Woohoo, no shipping costs!}

Raiders T-Shirt Quilt - yup, another one. This one won't fit my "standard" design, which is a little more fun but a little more work.

Design Wall
Haha, of course it hasn't changed. Depending on how I do on the deadline stuff, I'm going to try to fit in a Boardwalk/Cat Tails morning sometime this week.

I cut all my green RSC blocks! Wait, that was April's color? And it's May now? And May is blue? And my blue scrap bin is...oh, whew, she knew that. Sorting it into three piles - I can do that!


  1. You sure have a lot on your plate. I especially like the Fractured 4 patch and the Cat Tail ones.

  2. Question, do you sleep? Lots of fun, pretty projects.....don't forget to take some time "for Katie"

  3. LOL, Katie - I'm laughing at your blue commentary. :) Congrat on being so close to having the house ready. NO SMALL TASK!!

  4. Wow, you've been really busy, especially since you've been working on the house too. You should have some great finishes before the end of the month.
