
Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekly Progress - Some...

I did not get a ton done this week - life got in the way of the sewing room. And it is continuing this week, to the point that there will be no post next week - I'll be on spring break.

Continuing my trend of only finishing pillows, this is the top for the Dude's birthday pillow. It's a Minecraft zombie, which is obviously vastly different from the Creeper.

This week's Cat Tails.

With Boardwalk base blocks as leaders/enders.

Which means the design wall hasn't changed, since none of the blocks are actually done.

Flirt strip sets are slowly becoming block pieces.

{Fifteen Minute Challenge} On Monday I pulled out all my orange from the big scrap box for my Rainbow quilt. It's not much. I still have to dig through my yellow/orange bin and see if I can come up with ten blocks worth.

But the BIG fifteen minute thing was moving my fabric shelves into the playroom/soon-to-be-all-mine-room. I've been sorting old projects and fabrics and actually organizing what goes on the shelves. Clearly, the cat goes on one of them.


  1. I just love your cat tails blocks, so very clever! Nicely done there!

  2. That's a pretty cat set. :) And of course that shelf is for him!

  3. I didn't even get 15 minutes of "my own sewing time" this past week. It was all spent on mending for others - son and DIL.

  4. Still seems like you made good progress! Have a fun 'break!'

  5. That pillow is good inspiration for me for a wedding quilt I'm about to be starting! Glad I saw it!

  6. That looks like some fun things you have been working on.

  7. Your sorting is going really well. As for the rest, some progress is all you get sometimes. Enjoy Spring Break.

  8. Life has a habit of getting in the way of our plans, doesn't it? LOL

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