
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Share Your Space

This month's theme for the Fifteen Minute Challenge is "have a dedicated space." Kate asked us to share our sewing space, so... Here it is, in it's usual disarray. {It wouldn't be honest to clean it first!}

This is my main space. When we first moved into this house, I shared the office and this was a book nook. Now the bookcases are in the office and I'm where there ought to be a formal dining room.

The U - cutting table, ironing board, and sewing table. The sign above the ironing board says "Quilters always press to the dark side." Love! Everything I really need is right here. {Including the cat on the chair.}

The other side is mostly storage - fabric, projects, sewing machines, unfinished tops, cats. It's very disorganized. I'm not even going to show the wire storage unit on the back side of the cutting table. It's very far beyond disorganized.

My wall o'fabric. I use comic book things to wrap fabric under three yards. Over three, leftover Hobby Lobby bolts. Lots of plastic bags grouping scraps, even more shoe boxes grouping scraps and projects.

BUT... I'm prepping for my third sewing space move in this house. We'll be putting the house on the market this spring, and in preparation, we are getting rid of our guest bed and making that bedroom into a sewing space/nursery. {Even though the Little Man will probably not be here before the move.}

The closet is currently the Dude's toy closet, as evidenced by the dinosaur chilling with my bolts and scrap boxes.

The plan for February is to swap the toys and the sewing stuff, while doing a MAJOR purge and packing up stuff that can be stored until after the house sells. {Like the Christmas fabric.}

Notice the lack of the design wall? It's currently in the hallway, threatening to fall on anyone who walks by. Very conductive to the design process. That's why having a dedicated space is so necessary!


  1. Not too long ago I was thinking that the dining room in our old house could have become my sewing haven with windows on opposite sides and 2 huge walls for pegboard and design walls. Love seeing where people create and good luck with the move! The dark side... lol

  2. Laughin' at the Dark Side, too. :) Don't you "love" moving? ;D Good luck!

  3. Enjoyed the tour --thanks for sharing! I hate moving so I don't envy you!

  4. Had fun reading this post and looking at the pics. I'll soon share my sewing space. I have to charge the camera.

  5. I'm envious of your big windows, that's the one thing I don't have in my sewing room is a lot of natural light. Love your "dark side" sign. Does the Dude ever hang out with you while your sewing since his toys are in the closet?
