
Thursday, February 28, 2013

End of Month Report - February

Man, this short month went a bit too fast! Who ever decided that February should get shortchanged? Darn you, Caesar! What was so wrong about making January, February, and March all 30-day months?

Family: We got orders! Surprisingly early! Back to Fairchild AFB, WA. There are a lot of mixed feelings about this...but at least the place makes us happy. We'll move sometime this summer - school doesn't start until after Labor Day {and Oklahoma gets out before Memorial Day} so we have a lot of time to work with.

Adoption: Still waiting to hear the revised timeline and requirements...and trying not to worry. I'm hoping we know before we schedule the move - obviously, it would be nice to be settled before the Little Man comes home.

Running: Little Rock Half is this weekend, and I feel insanely prepared. At some point, full marathon training stopped being tiring and started being, "oh, no biggie, I have a 2:30 long run this weekend. AND I WILL DO IT IN 2:20!!"

Sewing: I planned, this month, to... 

Ah, no. Finished Snowballs under the wire {post will be up tomorrow} but Star isn't even basted.

Pick 16 Saturday Sampler blocks to set on point and do that
Yes! Not only that, but all the on point blocks are sashed and I started putting together the other blocks. And then I ran out of fabric. Man, when you have a lot of negative space, you need a LOT of that fabric!
Figure out what I'm doing with Boardwalk and make at least ten blocks
Uh, sure. If you count slicing the setting pieces as "making blocks."
Keep up with one Cat Tails block each week
Yes, I'm up to nine blocks. And out of space on the design wall, again! Four more to go...I think. I should really come up with a plan...

And then also...

Starburst Pillow - I love it! I'm really glad I decided to make it pillow-size. Now I can enjoy it instead of letting it linger on the to-be-quilted pile.

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - ten cute little purple blocks!

And then there's my NewFO. I did not plan on a NewFO this month. I blame my mother-in-law - she ordered me quilt magazine subscriptions for  Christmas. I couldn't resist making this one in Flirt!

As for's got Spring Break and two half marathons, so I'll try not to be overly ambitious.

1. Keep up with Cat Tails - I should finish the cat blocks and have them ready to set in April.

2. Quilt Star Wall Hanging, Frolicking Pinwheels, and Skorca. {I know, three. But two are small and should not take that long! And I know I'm going to keep putting Skorca off.}

3. Make a new Creeper pillow for the Dude's birthday. {The first one went to a friend. The second will be properly pixelated.}

4. Make at least half of the fourteen remaining blocks for Boardwalk. Luckily, they're all blue/teal, so the pink will be balanced.



  1. It looked like you did a LOT this last month. I really love the cat tails. I so want to make that quilt. I love how the white background makes a neat design. And your black quilt it wonderful too. Good luck with sewing in March, preparing for your move, the adoption & marathons! Whew! That's a lot, good thing March has 31 days. LOL

  2. Gosh, Kate - I just love what you have going. Boardwalk is so awesome with those setting triangles! And I really admire your marathon endeavors. Majorly. I'm doing good just to get 4 or 5 5Ks in each week! Scott's brother is not far at all from Fairchild - over in Nine Mile Falls, maybe 10 miles away. We haven't been there since Christmas 2003. It was a little far to drive from Florida!

  3. Love your pillow and Boardwalk is pretty neat too. Love the pink blocks. You cat tails is coming along nicely.
    Hopefully you will hear more on the adoption soon.
    Good luck with your goals for March.

  4. You sure have a full life right now. Enjoy all of it! Your cat quilt is amazing.

  5. Wow! You have a lot on your plate! Looks like you managed to get a lot of sewing done even with everything else going on. The cats are wonderful! Good luck with the move. ( I live in OK, too)

  6. I just LOVE your cat quilt... think I'll have to add that to my Make Someday List! Good luck in your half, my DD and her BF are training for one in May. I agree that February went by way too fast.

  7. What wonderful projects. Of course, I love the kitties. Thanks for linking up your NewFO's!

  8. You have a lot going on. . great job. I love your pillow for sure!

  9. My first FSD and I am trying to visit everyone. You did a lot of work here and it is all lovely. Hope you can stop over and visit me. A new follower!

  10. I think you did a lot, even if it wasn't everything you wanted to do. March goals sound good, but sounds like you need Skorca to become #1. LOL What about it makes you keep putting it off?

  11. You got a lot done. You are definitely coming along on your cat quilt. I need to have all my blocks made for mine this month, so I can get it done before May.

    Love the setting for your Saturday Sampler BOM. It's looking gorgeous.

  12. Whew! I'm tired just reading all that! You are one busy lady! I love the fabrics for your NewFO and the pillow is darling! I like the colors. I have a cat quilt pattern and the fabrics to make it somewhere in the stash. Seeing yours makes me want to start it.

  13. My head is spinning from the sheer amount. I wish you luck and loads of carefree sewing time :)

  14. oh my you have alot going! Glad you got your orders & with you the best with that transition and the adoption progress of course!

  15. Some great projects there Kate. I love the cat tails especialy! All the best with the adoption.

  16. Hi. How in the world can I channel some of your calmness over the adoption changes?! Tell me. Please. :-)

  17. Nice projects. Oklahoma, great state! We used to live there, now youngest son is in college there.
