
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Giveaway Winner!

Um, wow. I wasn't expecting over 350 comments. Y'all must like the Beatles. Or Millie's Closet.

To drag this out...

Seventy-five different Beatles songs were mentioned.
{And yet six of you? Couldn't even find one you liked.}

"Hey Jude" won, hands down, with 76 mentions.

"I Wanna Hold Your Hand" came in second with 41.

"Eleanor Rigby" came in third with 24.

{Though it was close with 23 mentions of "Yellow Submarine." Which the majority of you blamed on your children. Or me for getting it in your head. You're welcome.}

Only one of you likes my favorite, "Across the Universe." Monica is obviously the most awesome person ever.

And the winner...

Judy - obviously a "Hey Jude" fan - of Sew, Rip, Repeat!

Congratulations, I'm shooting you an email!

Oh, and so you can start brushing up now - next giveaway will be your favorite Queen song. "None" will not be an acceptable answer.


  1. You're right - obviously a "Hey Jude" fan! Thanks so much for sponsoring this give away. I shot you an email right back and you'll be laughing any minute now. Thanks again!

  2. Hahaha...Great minds think alike! Congrats to the winner.
