
Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly Progress - On the Garden, Not Quilting

My in-laws are currently visiting, which means there's been a lot of yard work and not as much quilt work. Which is okay - this is the only time I like Oklahoma weather, plus the landscaping really need a good fall cleanup so we can sell next spring. And my mother-in-law is the expert for this kind of stuff!

We also had a scare later in the week with my poor Wedge trying to rival other pet emergencies. Took him to the vet for a suspected UTI, his third in the three years we've lived in Oklahoma. 
An x-ray was ordered and bladder stones were discovered, followed by surgery to remove them. And there were a LOT of them. And they appear to be the exact opposite composition of Tycho's bladder stones.
I won't scare you with pictures of his stomach, because a shaved fat cat's stomach is truly hideous. Seriously. And he keeps laying on his back and forcing us to look at it. Dang cat.

Fifteen Minute Challenge
Not even once this week! Yeah, organization is falling to the wayside for a little bit.

Design Wall
To thank my MIL for her landscaping skills, I've been teaching some basic quilting skills while making a second version of Raspberry Dessert. This one is actually dessert-y, like rainbow sherbet.
And on the bottom right, the row quilt is still moving along as a leader/ender. 

Polaroid Swap blocks came back! And I'm in love. There was a flamingo block right on top. Love. Debbie did good!
Grandmother's Choice (2/3 blocks) - redid the second block and it's better. Points aren't perfect, but better. I paper pieced it and redrafted it without Y-seams. 

No Progress:
LQS Saturday Sampler 2011 (12/12 & center)
Chunky Log Cabin (13/20 blocks)
St. Paul's Cross (2/42? blocks)
Fat Quarter Stars (7/? blocks)
Boardwalk (5/? blocks)
LQS Saturday Sampler 2012 (21/36 blocks) 


Application Submitted - 2/12 
Home Study - approved 5/12
USCIS paperwork - mailed 6/12
Home Study to Korea - 6/12
Referral Accepted - 6/12

New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 0


  1. oh busy times!! Glad you got your polaroid blocks though!

  2. Love your Raspberry Dessert, very pretty, the colors are so vivid. Looks like you have some fun polaroid blocks, that should be a fun quilt. Good luck with all the yard work.

  3. Yep, I really love those fabrics in the block you redid. :D Your poor kitty. We've got some feline health drama going on here, too, but his surgery sounds really awful to go through. (and expensive!!) :(

  4. I love you GC block -- the colors are fabulous!!! :)

  5. I've just repinned you!
    But i've hit a commenting limit! :(

    I'd love one back if possible -
