
Friday, August 10, 2012

Big Blue Finish!

What do you get when you combine 450" of binding a really slow handstitcher?

A finish that's a long, looooooooong time coming.

Seriously, I think my sister picked out the pattern 18 months ago {from a friend on Ravelry, I believe} and I've had the fabric for almost a year.

I finished the top right around the Super Bowl this year, which is how it finally got a name. It consists of 90 Hunter's Star blocks, in Dutch Wedgewood by Windham Fabric and Kona White.

{It has been cat loved.}

It is 105x115", which is 10" bigger than king size.

 It's waaaaaaaay bigger than a queen size bed.

It was quilted by Paula, because there's no way I would have even attempted this size. We decided to use a plain white backing {in order to avoid piecing it...not a whole lot of 120" backings out there!} But we chose blue for the thread, so when she turns back the quilt, you get to see the pop of color.

I highly recommend the ruler if anyone attempts this. Everything cut neatly and fit neatly together, even with the eight seams meeting in the star. There's a bit of waste with the original directions, but I figured out pretty quickly how much smaller I could cut the blocks and still come out okay.

Now I kind of want to get my Hunter's Star top quilted!


  1. oh wow! Congrats to you on a very fine and very large finish!!

  2. That's beautiful! I love the quilting, too -- a great counterpoint to the top of it. And I like the photo on a queen-sized bed -- it really emphasizes how big it is!

  3. That was feat for sure to get bound! Awesome job!!

  4. Oh my goodness, that's a whole lotta binding!! But what a beautiful quilt! And hey, the bigger the better - more to snuggle with without having to share, haha!

  5. Nice job! That's a great quilt, Kate.

  6. Beautiful! And it looks amazing on the bed. GREAT job!
