
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday Stash Report - Week 27

I was all set to be good for the rest of June.

But then Angela had a giveaway. From Hart's Fabrics. In Santa Cruz.

Guess where we were already planning on going last weekend?
San Francisco...then Santa Cruz.

Oh my GOODNESS, Hart's Fabrics is lovely. I touched Liberty of London. {My husband shook his head.} I touched Echino. {My husband shook his head.} I touched organic fabric. {My husband sighed.}

I bought the print on the bottom and two coordinating prints. And you can't see the print on the bottom for a reason. It's Monaluna, it's organic, it's lovely, and it's going to be whipped into two of those In Color Order bags for a friend very soon...but she reads here so it's a secret!

Nothing out - too much traveling in the past couple of days to get anything done. We go "home" to Virginia today, so I'll get set up for the rest of the summer in an actual sewing space, instead of a hotel room.

Used this Week: 0
Used Year to Date: 62.49
Added this Week: 1
Added Year to Date: 110.61
Net Used for 2012: (48.12) yards

Since we're halfway through the year, a reflection on the numbers...

Still under 50 yards net. Compared to last year, I've bought a little more fabric and used a little less. But, I haven't quilted as many quilts this year - waiting for the summer to do that. And I hit the $3-a-yard sale at my LQS instead of this summer's Fat Quarter Frenzy, so I had my big jump up earlier this year.

Really need to get to basting and quilting once I get to my parents, though. I might be able to finish out of the red if I can check off some backings!


  1. Being 'good' is SO relative! Visiting a new quilt store sounds so fun! And hey - thanks for posting my new T@tT button in your sidebar! ;-)

  2. Very pretty fabrics. You've not done too badly on the stash front, being in the hole by 50 isn't too bad.
