
Friday, July 6, 2012

Finish-A-Long - Finishes & Goals

So I looked at my goal list for the second quarter of the year...
...yeah, not even close.

1. Bind Big Blue. The binding is attached, but not hand stitched.

2. LQS Saturday Sampler. Hahaha. Yeah, this is going to be a Christmas present. Since my mother-in-law's birthday was in May.

3. Swoon A Little, Swoon A Lot - the top is done. Quilted and bound, not so much. And I'm still considering a second border.

4. Chunky Log Cabin. Didn't touch. Didn't bring with me. Did buy a backing! Wait, that's not too helpful.
 5. Airplane Dreams, Baby Girl, and Granny Squares - my only finishes! And all were finished before the babies were born. Way to go, me!

6. My Precious Quilt Along - made some blocks. Didn't make a quilt. Might pull out my charm packs and Schnibbles book this month and see where we go.

And now, goals for the next quarter. This one should be easier - I bought 10 yards of batting last night. Let the quilting commence!

M priorities are the ones too big to baste at home AND the ones I already have backings for, which include:
Layer Cake Quilt Along
There's plenty of other stuff I'd like to get done...smaller quilts to quilt, quilts that still need backing...but these four are my main goals for the quarter, and I'm trying not to be over-achieving.

Oh, and I don't think I made any Just Three goals for June, so I didn't fail at any. Woo! So, looking at July... Definitely can quilt Bad Romance. Planning a Snowball Fight {first post tomorrow}, so I suppose making both my quilts utilizing snowballs ought to be a goal!


  1. Didn't your plans change during the last quarter, as in finding out your guy was deploying? You still got a lot done even not being home, just maybe not what you planned. Good luck with this quarters goals.

  2. OH!!! I love, love your Skorca. And I really dig the border fabric on your Swoon. What kind of second border are you thinking about? You could really play that up. And you know what - who the heck cares if your original list for the quarter didn't get finished. Looks to me like you actually accomplished quite a bit, especially with deployment issues! Kudos on all 3 baby quilts finished before the babies arrived!

    And I'm really jealous of your Skorca. ;D

  3. Love your Swoon quilt. Good luck on your list!

  4. I think you've done really well considering! Congrats on the finishes and good luck as you move forward! And have fun with your snowballs!!

  5. Skorca's pattern looks awesome! I love the fall-gyle diamonds, are you going to leave the edges uneven? Your projects look really good, I love your bad romance top!

  6. these are so amazing!
    seriously... all of them! I can't wait to see your report in about a week! :)
