
Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Precious "Shoe Box" Blocks

So... I have 40 blocks from my most precious Objects of Desire honey bun...
Now I just need to decide what to do with them!

5x8 - long and skinny - 25x56" - table runner

8x5 - 40x35" - square(ish) baby quilt

4x10 - 28x50" - slightly too square table runner
10x4 - 70x20 - reeeeeeeeally skinny table runner

{I wonder what size my kitchen table is?}

I also have the panel back at home... Near as I can figure, one way uses 24 blocks and yields a 52x42" quilt. The other way uses 34 blocks and yields a 52x46" quilt.

Or, I could add a layer cake...or 4-5 charm packs...

Ah, decisions!



  1. I love them Katie Mae! I love scrappy, and like the shoe box size~ ♥♥♥

  2. very fun - seems like they would make a great runner!

  3. love those blocks~!
    i don't know if you could go wrong no matter what you did with them but i think they make a pretty cute baby quilt.


  4. The blocks are so fun. I think I like the squarish baby quilt.
