
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WiP/FMC - Insert Catchy Title Here

Nothing really catchy or exciting this week. I suppose that's a good thing? I mean, there's only so many times I can mention how much I loved the Hunger Games. {Y'all. Read it. Go see it. Seriously.}

My pictures are pretty awful this week - we're having intermittent sunshine, which meant none when I needed it. Sorry. The rain we've been having has been great for weeding, though. {Yay?}

Fifteen Minute Challenge
I'm really enjoying the hotel kit project. I normally cut as I go, so having everything ready is weird, in a good way. Kit #2 is a Sudoku set that just needed sashing cut.
Kit #3 is the LynneBobSquarePants block, cut from fat eighths I won from the Sarcastic Quilter.
Each F8 yielded 18 3" squares; the block requires 16. 18/16 match up at 9 blocks/8 F8. I have 8 small print F8s. Nine blocks make a nice 36" square. This made my nerdy OCD mind deliriously happy.
I still need to pick/cut background fabric, and think about possible borders with the remaining larger print F8s.

Non-QA Quilts:
{Edited to add: TraceyJay is having a "Just Three" for April. Since the babies are due in May, my "just three" are these two quilts, plus the granny squares (using TraceyJay math!) below.}

Airplane Dreams - top done!

Unnamed Baby Girl Quilt - I am really lacking in title skills right now. This is Block #2 of three. Yes, I'm keeping the final design a secret for now.

Not A Quilt:
After having this in mind for a couple of years, I finally experimented with the pillowcase dress using buttonhole elastic. And it worked...I think. I don't have a test subject yet because the Dude draws the line at trying on dresses.
I have a couple of adjustments to make before I get to the tutorial version. After I steal a girl to check measurements.

Fat Quarter Stars - 6/12 blocks - none
LQS Saturday Sampler 2012 - 6/36 - new blocks to make
LQS Saturday Sampler 2011 - Blocks done, HSTs for center medallion started.
Granny Squares {mine} - rethought and therefore seam ripped...again. I like the three color ones better. Enough that I tore apart six perfectly fine four-color ones. Sigh. I really do like these better. 4/12 completed. {And by completed, I do mean minus-corner-triangles-because-I-might-tear-them-apart-again-and-lose-track-of-corner-and-side-triangles.}

Untouched This Week:

Awaiting Binding:

Application Submitted - 2/12 
Home Study - we swapped the personal interview and the home interview. {To see the Hunger Games. Have I mentioned that?} So, home interview is this Saturday. And I'm a lot less nervous after meeting the social worker.

New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 12


  1. I like the 3-color grannies better too :) They look great!

  2. You've been really busy! Love the Granny Squares.

    If it makes you feel any better I do have a girl and even she won't try on dresses unless forced to by friends!

  3. wow! Lots going on! Cute skirt and I do love those granny squares!

  4. keeping very busy and staying organized~! good for you.
    your ocd happiness totally cracked me up.


    p.s. seen the hunger games. awesome movie~!!~
    am now reading the first book.
