
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday at the Table - Death by Chocolate Star

I actually have something to post due to the Dude's birthday party this weekend! It's more of a how-to (or how-not-to) than a recipe, but whatever. Totally counts.

So, the Star Wars themed birthday party was kind of a no-brainer here. Cake Central had a post on making your own Death Star cake, so I followed some of the instructions. Mainly baking in a bowl.
The first one is one box of cake mix in a 6" bowl. Round, but not very big. The second is one box in a 9" bowl. Big, but not very round.

{The suggestion was made to go with the little Death Star, and break the big one into pieces and call it Alderaan. Yes, we're horrible parents.}

If I had time to bake a third round, I would have gone with two boxes in the 9" bowl.
{My piping skills are less-than-adequate. But Lego lasers were a big hit!}
Instead, I went with the "cake pop" premise and mixed frosting and the crumbled flat cake. I cut out Star Wars shapes with my cutters, which actually worked really well considering they're not designed for cake.
I thought the kids would be annoyed by the lack of visible frosting, but they thought they were brownies, so it worked.
And the Dude's friends know him well.



  1. Very fun! My son would have loved this when he was younger! In fact he still might like it even though he's 26!! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Haha!! That's awesome. complete with rays

  3. What a great idea, and a great save!
