
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WiP/FMC - Life in Progress with the Military

The first bit here is going to be a bit heavy, so just scroll down to the pictures if you don't want to read about life.

So... We're in the process of adopting from Korea.
{I know. I talk about it A LOT.}
But then my husband was put on a deployment list, and we put life on hold. Then he went on from the deployment list to the moving list, so we rushed to finish up the last bits of paperwork.
{I bet you know where this is going...}
Yeah. He's deploying.
I threw a bit of a hissy fit. We've put off the adoption process for five years, and this specific adoption for six months, because of the military holding us in limbo.
Cried. Prayed. Called our agency.
They rock.
The application is in, and the home study starts immediately, so that everything can be sent to Korea before he leaves.
And then the Dude and I have a lot to look forward to - Daddy and a brother/sister coming home in the winter/spring of 2013.
{And then we move.}

Anyway, on with the WiPs!

Fifteen Minute Challenge - still Sew Starry. Who would have thought cross-hatching would take so darn long? Anyone who only did it for fifteen minutes a day, probably.
I quilted it for fifteen minutes every day except Monday (road trip to Stillwater!)
I want to get it squared and bound today, so it's time to pick a new FMC!

I'm making my first mini-quilt for the Ellison Lane contest. It is not modern - built from log cabins and courthouse steps - but it's something I've wanted, so... I'm making it! Any guesses?

Fat Quarter Stars - 6/10 blocks - skipped ahead to #9 because I'm out of background fabric. LOVE this one. So simple but so cute.
Plus, look how cute the bonus triangle from the flying geese is! It's going to make a great couple of pinwheels.
LQS Saturday Sampler 2012 - 3/36 (new blocks to work on)
Quiltville Orca Bay {Skorca!} - lots of blue filling in... I'm so ready to start assembly!
Made in Cherry - see above
Swoon A Little, Swoon A Lot - the blue box? That's my Swoon fabrics... (Newest block to the side.)


  1. Love your blocks for the mini quilt...adorable. Hope all goes well with your adoption process. I know what a roller coaster that can be.

  2. Sorry to hear about the struggles in your family right now. Sounds like a lot of ups and downs and emotions. I will be thinking of you.

    The projects look great though. LOve the newest little swoon block.

  3. I'm so sorry you husband is being deployed again. Sounds like your family is really going to be busy. Congratulations on the adoption, it sounds really exciting.

    You have a lot of quilting going on right now. I got a chuckle out of your comments. I agree though, it does take forever when it's 15 minutes at a time.

  4. Haha!!! Cats and boxes, bags, or baskets. . . so predictable. :D They're awesome.

    How wonderful that the agency is working with you on this!!!! And I'm so sorry about this new deployment. That just sucks. Where's he going? Scott's last one was at Camp Alamo not far from Kabul. (what a name!!!! Really??) You don't know yet where the post-deployment PCS is, do you? Any time you're feeling like hollering or complaining to someone who totally understands and won't think that's your normal mode of behavior, just shoot a note on over. :D And thank goodness for Quilty Blogland at times like these!

  5. Congratulations on getting the application in!!! Deployment stinks, especially when it holds up such a major part of your life! Good luck with the home study! (Which Korean agency does your US agency partner with?! We may be very close in Home Study to Korea dates!)

    (This is Christine from 12,450miles.) :-)

  6. How frustrating. Hope it all falls together before the deployment.

    Looks like you had a great week in terms of the challenge. You keep moving along on all your projects.

    Did you eat at Joe's while you were in Stillwater?

  7. a great week for you.
    you are a really busy gal~!
    love the snow white kitty hanging out in the box (-: they're such good helpers aren't they~!?
    i'm wishing you the best during this tumultuous time in your family's life. it must be a lot to try to cope with and i hope that you take lots of comfort in your needlework when you can.


  8. What a time of transition for you! I wish you well too! You made amazing progress considering how life is swirling around you!
