
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Stash Report - Week 3

There would be more here, but DH convinced me to join him in Texas for a conference instead of going to the Oklahoma City Quilt Show.
So yay for family time, boo for buying lots of yummy fabrics I don't need. I guess. The family time has been a LOT of fun - we got to see an emu attack a car!
And before we left, I made this.

It's a heart made out of log cabins, and oh my goodness, I am addicted to making these now. More details when I get home - it was done entirely from scraps and stash.

Used this Week: 1.75
Used Year to Date: 1.75
Added this Week: 0
Added Year to Date: 0.25
Net Used for 2012: 1.5 yards

I'm in the BLACK!

Check out more reports at Patchwork Times!


  1. Looking forward to seeing how you made the log cabin heart. I bet it would look great as a bed quilt, lots of little hearts.

    Even though I don't have anyone to make felt food for I enjoy seeing what you create.

  2. That's a beautiful heart, can't wait to hear the details on it.
    Sounds like exciting times were had in Texas! You don't see emus every day, let alone attack emus. Hope the car wasn't yours?
