
Monday, January 23, 2012

Design Wall Monday - Skorca! & Sew Starry

Hmm. Not sure I'm going to keep the name Sew Starry. But it's okay for now.
Skorca! is moving along. I like it better the more blues I get up there.
The bottom is part of the star for the Made in Cherry Quilt Along. I decided on a uniform layout instead of random, because it's mine and I'm anal like that. It means I have to plan the half-pieces a little more - lots of the pinks, not as much of the others.
I also plopped Swoon down in the walkway (briefly) to get an idea of how many 8" blocks I still need and what color combinations. I think I need about six more. My plan is to cut the necessary pieces in advance so I don't run out. (Weird. I know.)

Check out more design walls at Patchwork Times!


  1. Stars are bursting out all over your design surfaces--they look terrific. Have fun!

  2. oh that patchwork star is something else! wow.

  3. Great projects. I'm still really liking your swoon blocks.
