
Monday, December 5, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 49

Absolutely nothing on the design wall, because I have a pile of stuff to finish elsewhere. Grinch, Christmas Stars - all ready for quilting. Rudolph will not go on the design wall since the Dude kind of lives here.
Plus, there's this...
We have a big open room for the dining room/kitchen/living room in the middle of the house. We don't have a dining room set, so that room started as a book nook. There used to be large bookcases on that wall. Now they're in the office and I'm...not.
And somehow I have to fit all of this in my nook.
I don't even know where my design wall is going to go! Right now, probably in front of the treadmill (which was supposed to move to the office but won't fit through the doorway.)
I guess that's just part of the joy of being a military wife. By the time we settle on an arrangement that fits, it'll be time to move and jigsaw ourselves into a new house.

In between cleaning shelves and moving furniture, I've been cutting squares for Skorca!
I'm trying to resist buying new fabric for it. I have the few dot scraps, and then just four other B&W prints I've been using. Not much variety, but it needs to be used, so... This is 47 of the 88 squares I need to cut to make my HST this way. And then I need to cut 88 whites!

Check out more design walls at Patchwork Times, and more Orca Bay progress at Quiltville!


  1. I think I'd cry if I had to move my sewing space again. Love the black and white squares your penquin buddy is guarding.

  2. That has to be hard getting settled in and then having to move again. I like the fabrics you are using!

  3. My house has been invaded by the Christmas decoration boxes that get stored in my sewing room until needed to pack everything away. Why can't boxes look tidy?
