
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday - Week 35

Fall-gyle is done...and not done.
 I rushed to have it done and on display at a craft show this weekend, and some of the seams don't match. Not many, but enough that it's driving me nuts. I don't want to display something that's not perfect. I'm okay with being anal.

So I'm going to keep quilting the Steelers Quilt. I can get that done and bound easily before Saturday, and I have a couple others to display and some unquilted tops.

I also have all my craft-y stuff all over the living room - crayon rolls, burp rags, fleece scarves... OSU better not lose on Saturday!

Hunter's Star, round two - 72/90 light blue half-blocks

Fat Quarter Stars - two blocks behind
Argyle Quilt Along - top done until I start seam picking
LQS Saturday Sampler - won't be going this month, so pushed to the back burner
Quiltville Orca Bay - starts 11/18.

Christmas Sewing:
Rudolph panel quilt - the Dude

Untouched This Week:

Awaiting Quilting:

New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 18

Check out more at Work in Progress Wednesday!


  1. Wow, that argyle quilt top is amazing! I've been following some others who are also doing that quilt and am just in awe. Can't wait to see the next stage!

  2. I just realized that your Hunter's Star quilt is the one I saw on Flickr that I loved so much! I don't follow sports and don't know if I'll get in trouble by any of my friends or family for saying this but I hope OSU wins for you!

  3. Your fallgyle quilt looks great from here!


  4. your fall-gyle quilt looks lovely, I admire your patience to go back and rework it to your satisfaction :)

  5. oh,I hope you don't have to unpick tooooo much. Good luck with that!!

  6. I love that you have used colors that really look like a tradition Arglle sweater. It looks great!

  7. Your argyle quilt is beautiful, and I agree with Debbie, I really hope you don't have to unpick much, but don't worry I am super anal also and it would probably drive me crazy too!

  8. Fall-gyle.. too funny and it really looks amazing!! And Go Steelers!

  9. Love the Fall-gyle quilt. It turned out very nice. I have some of the same OSU fabric. One these days it needs to make it into a quilt!

  10. I love the fall-gyle! Looking great!

  11. Fall-gyle, what a great name! I really like how your argyle quilt turned out, so pretty!

  12. The fall-gyle quilt is wonderful, can you display it so the bits you don't like don't show, as from here it looks awesome!

  13. thats a longgggg list! good luck! haha looks like some great projects!

  14. You have some great projects lined up :)

  15. Heh, that's a lot of supporters stuff you have going on there, hope the show went well

  16. My crafty stuff is filling the corner of the living room because I had to give up my craft room for a bedroom for 3 of my granddaughters.

  17. Anal about quilts can be good. I like to have my seams match up, too. Good luck at the show.

  18. Wow that is quite the list. Your Fall-gyle quilt is beautiful. Good luck with your show.

  19. Heh. Pittsburg Steelers, right? (I'm Australian, so I don't know the teams, but I have a bear with a pittsburgh sweatshirt sitting on my stuffed toy shelf c/o a friend.)

    It's fun making "team themed" quilts, isn't it?

  20. Beautiful argyle quilt! Love that design. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  21. Gorgeous argyle quilt! Love the name.

  22. I love the argyle quilt, which though I think its lovely, I understand the desire for every to be perfect! Have fun with your themed Quilts!
