
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Week 14

This week was all about the Advent Calendar. And then we started celebrating it with the church dates, but our online Advent calendar doesn't start until Dec. 1, so the Dude is thoroughly confused. So we're going with the Dec. 1 start date and I have a little more time to finish the Calendar.
On the wall with no border to keep Days 21-24 in place, no threads clipped, no quilting, no washing to remove the embroidery guidelines...

Tuesday - embroidered 4 days
Wednesday - embroidered 4 days
Thursday - embroidered 4 days
Friday - embroidered 4 days
Saturday - embroidered 4 days
Sunday - embroidered 4 days
Monday - sewed rows together

Between the holiday and having a bad cold, I didn't do much sewing, so it was easy to leave the machine set up for embroidery all week and just line up new numbers each day. Which didn't bode well for actually getting things done other than the embroidery. Doesn't life know I don't have time for a cold during the holiday season?

Check out how others are managing their time at Life in Pieces.


  1. You're almost there! It's looking really good. And we've got the cold thing going on at our house too....ick.

  2. That's very cute and almost done. Hope you are feeling better.


  3. Sometimes all you can do is just a little bit. The advent calendar is looking great.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Very cute calendar! What are you going to put in the pockets? I think you passed your cold on to me..

  5. Kate that is fabulous. I love it. Really really love it. Like - a lot!

    I hope your cold gets better fast. I have a friend who swears by echinacea.

    Did I mention that your calendar is wonderful?

  6. Your calendar looks great! It's amazing you can get any sewing done with a cold. 7 out of 7 is great. Remember we're only striving for 15 mins. a day. You can be very happy with your progress.
