
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday - Week 33

My in-laws were visiting last week, so lots of WiPs were done...just not sewing ones. The fence is fixed, the Dude's playset is moved to a corner of the yard, cold-weather flowers are planted...but only one new Swoon block was made.
One more 16" block, then I'll be working my way through the 8" blocks.

I'm almost done prepping the binding for Halloween Hexagons (and probably enough for the Steelers Quilt.) It WILL be attached before Halloween!

Hunter's Star, round two - 58/90 light blue half-blocks

Fat Quarter Stars - I'm already behind a block!
Argyle Quilt Along - still cutting strip sets

Untouched This Week:

Awaiting Quilting:

New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 14

Check out more at Work in Progress Wednesday!


  1. Your swoon block is beautiful! I think it is time for me to get this pattern : )

  2. I've seen so much swoon quilt tops lately, it seems to be everywhere! Love your block, very nice!

  3. Well the one block you did looks great!!

  4. Very pretty swoon block. The colors you used really shine!

  5. Nice swoon block...enjoyed my visit.
