
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday - Week 30

I was away for five days, so I haven't made much progress on most things. Today I'm home, catching up on laundry and paperwork, so I have lots of sewing time in between. And by "in between," I mean, I sewed for three hours and haven't folded any laundry.

Six Swoon blocks done, and I'm starting to work on a layout.

St. Paul's Cross - still need to tear the paper off the second block. I'm thinking about setting up one of my antique sewing machines for paper piecing, so I don't have to swap out needles every time I want to piece one.

Hunter's Star, round two - 36/90 light blue half-blocks

Fat Quarter Stars - ran out of background fabric scraps, waiting on yardage
 Argyle Quilt Along - three of the fabrics came from my stash. Just need to pick a neutral and fourth accent fabric.
LQS Saturday Sampler

Untouched This Week:

Awaiting Quilting:

In Planning:
Cars Quilt (the Dude)

New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 15
Check out more at Work in Progress Wednesday!


  1. Love how the Swoon are coming along 'in between' - ha. Made me laugh! AND please do tell....I don't think I ever heard to change out your needle when you do paper-piecing....

  2. hahaha, i try to multitask too, and it also never works out that well! love that your swoon blocks are all different sizes, very cool! hopped over from WIP wed, glad to have found you!

  3. Lovely blocks! I love how you spend your "in betweens".

  4. Love the Swoon blocks in different sizes!
