
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Week 5

Circle bag. That's it. 
Fifteen minutes, every day, stitching, seam ripping, pinning, reading the pattern, throwing it across the room.
It is still.not.working.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the bottom together. I suspect, despite sewing that darn circle five times, I've got the liner attached upside down. And just when I finally got the circle in with no bunching.
I'm taking a quilting class tomorrow, so I'm taking the stupid bag to see if my instructor can figure out how to finish it.
And then the next time someone asks me to sew a circle bag, I'm going to say, "Sorry, I only make square things."

See how others are managing their time at Life in Pieces!


  1. Oh no! sorry...I wish I were there to give you a hand...but I can't honestly say that I'd know what I was doing either. =) I hope your instructor can help!

  2. Girl sound just like me when something wont go right. My failed attempts are usually accompanied by swearing and a husband who goes and hides in the shed.

    I really only do make square things. I think that's perfectly reasonable.

    Hope you kick that bags butt!

  3. I wish I had of know this is what your circle bag was like - I made a fabric bucket earlier this year and may have been able to help you
    Hoping you got some help at your class. I do remember having a HUGE amount of trouble figuring it out too! Hope she likes it!!!

  4. I understand your pain. I made a circle bag back awhile ago. I didn't realize that I'd skipped a step regarding the lining until I was all done. However I've used it the way it was but plan to make another one some time and try to do it right.

  5. I've had good luck with lots of pins. LOTS. I'm a super-lazy pinner, but this is the one time I drag them out. Fold in half to get 2 pins in exact opposite points, fold in half the other way to get the midpoints on the other side (4 pins, dividing the circle into quarters). Put a pin at the midpoint between each of your 4 pins (8 total). If that's enough, sew. If it still looks like it will get away, do it again (16 pins). It's a pain and you have to sew slowly, but it will be perfect when you are done.
