
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Week 4

I didn't do as well this week... I sewed every day except Saturday, but I didn't work on any UFOs on Friday or Monday.
I've been using my sister's Hunter's Star as a leader/ender instead of one of my UFO l/e projects. Which is good for her, but not so good for me.
This week, I really need to tackle her circle bag, one step at a time, for 15 minutes. Because otherwise the instructions are far too frustrating.

See how others are managing their time at Life in Pieces! 


  1. Not every week is going to be sewing gold and you still managed to get a lot of things done. I think this challenge of Kate's is a great motivator - I rarely manage to sew every single day but it helps me set goals for the week.

    I cant read patterns to save myself !

  2. Shay's right, some weeks it's just not possible to hit all the right notes. Four out of seven days is still more than half the week and you got lots done.

  3. Well done Kate - a pretty good week I think. Circle bag sounds a bit complicated.
