
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Week 3 - & LQS Saturday Sampler Block 8

I must say, 15 minutes a day is a great way to do my BOM. I finished it in four frustration-free days.
I really like this block. Possibly because I didn't have to seam rip once. But I like the layout, too. It
So that took four days, then I sewed patches for a friend. Which is not something I like to do...hmm, perhaps I shouldn't have let the Dude join the Cub Scouts...

See how others are managing their time at Life in Pieces and check out more BOMs at What A Hoot!


  1. It feels good to have a plan and follow it, doesn't it? Congrats on this week's progress.

  2. Hi Kate! What a pretty little block. Kudos to you for also sewing Girl Scout patches this week!

  3. Very pretty block! I love BOMs, even if there isn't time for much, I can usually get one block done during the month. When Kiddo was a Brownie, the patches were supposed to adhere after pressing, but they didn't. I agree, sewing on badges is not fun.

    Thanks for linking up this week.

  4. The block turned out really nice. What a great week!

  5. What a pretty block! I really need to do a BOM at some point...too much on the go to even think about it right now.
