
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday - Week 24

Summer is no longer a WIP.
The Dude started first grade today.
Actually, we're not big criers over this. He likes school; I like sewing without the sound of Plants vs. Zombies in the background. But I'm waiting for him to get home to go grocery shopping (because he wants three points for the old school VW Bug by the store.)

So now I'm casting about, looking for things to do. (Finish the Steelers borders? Don't be silly.) I pulled this pile off the shelf, for a Tennessee Waltz for my mom.
Problem is, I don't remember why I bought the fabrics. I mean, I know the blue is for the four-patch, and the red is for the star points. But what about the other fabric? Is the neutral background for the snowballs? Was I planning on doing the centers of the stars in red or the red/blue dot fabric? Or were the star centers blue and the dots for the snowballs?
So now I have some math to do to see if I can remember what I had planned.

I made 13 blocks of the chunky log cabin, and I'm putting them away for now. I really don't like them. The colors and patterns are all wrong.

Untouched This Week:
Frolicking Pinwheels

Awaiting Quilting:

In Planning:
Cars Quilt (the Dude)
Hunter's Star (my sister)

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 9

Check out more at Work in Progress Wednesday!

Oh, and since you're here, check out my little giveaway.


  1. I know how you feel! I have a stack of fabric that I cleverly labeld "For Quilt" but now I have no idea what quilt or pattern it was for! Haha! I hope you figure it out!

  2. Love the chunky log cabins! I have started labeling fabric with specific plans, otherwise I cannot remember what those plans were when I finally get around to it!
