
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Week 1

I wanted to do the 15 Minute Challenge, but I couldn't figure out how. I have seven hours a day to myself - of course I can manage to find 15 minutes to sew!
But then I realized how long the Steelers Quilt has been languishing without borders.
I didn't make my Saturday Sampler block this month because I was at a family reunion. It still needs to be made, but without any incentive...
And Frolicking Pinwheels? That's stalled because I haven't cut any 10.5" squares. That's the only reason.
Not to mention the pile of mending that I never seem to get to. I didn't wear my favorite brown slacks at all last winter because I didn't make time to fix on hem.
So maybe I don't need 15 minutes to sew. Maybe I need 15 minutes to sew on a UFO before working on something else.
And just like that, the Steelers quilt is almost done.

See how others are managing their time at Life in Pieces!


  1. Sometimes it's just hard to get motivated. Joining in the 15 Minute Challenge has helped me a lot. Hang in there!

  2. Congrats on getting going on the Steelers borders. It's amazing what you can do in just 15 minutes.

    Thanks for linking up this week.
