
Saturday, July 9, 2011

LQS Saturday Sampler - Block 6

This one did not make me happy.
The pattern does not contain ANY pressing instructions, which annoys me to no end. I spend too much time every month trying to figure which way the seams will go, only to always have some not right.
This month I did get all the seams pressed the right way...but the block still won't go together right. It's especially obvious in the center pinwheel.
I pulled it apart so many time that I'm taking a break from it. It's done for credit at Saturday Sampler this month; maybe in August I'll rip it apart and try again.

See some more BOMs at What A Hoot!

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad it's giving you so much trouble, because it's a gorgeous block! (You'll have to show it off after the next BOMs AWAY auto-posts tomorrow night.)

    No pressing directions on complicated blocks is a pet peeve for me, too! The Patriots in Petticoats project that I'm doing, with very intricate pieceing, does not indicate them, and it drives me NUTS - takes *forever* to puzzle it out so that the seams aid instead of impede perfect construction.
