
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday - Week 11

Finally, my finger is near recovered and I had a good couple of sewing days!

 Which means the cat must now sit in the sewing room to get my attention.

Steelers Quilt: pieced! It's 40x50" so I'll be adding borders. The plan is a 2" black border, then the million 2" HSTs, then... I don't know after that. Another black? A B&W?


A baby quilt for the Dude's kindergarten teacher. It's from Don't Call Me Betsy's tutorial, but bigger. I'm going to have the kids sign the books, so I need at least 20, and I went wider than 1-2" books because kindergartners need a little more space to write. (Or at least mine does.) It'll end up being a three-shelf bookcase, with some stacked, some straight and some leaning.

Another quickie charm pack project, for my husband's grandmother.

Untouched This Week:
iSpy Sliced Coin Quilt (but not for long - the accent fabric has been purchased!)
LQS Saturday Sampler 

Awaiting Quilting:

In Planning:
Rudolph Quilt (the Dude)
Hunter's Star (my sister)

Second Snow White commissioned.
Finished the pattern keeper/easel for my sister. Need to start the bag. 

This Week's Stats:
New Projects: 2
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 13

Check out more at Freshly Pieced!


  1. What a cute idea for a quilt for the teacher. I just know she will love it. Smart idea for making the books a bit bigger for the signatures.

  2. What a sweet idea to have the children sign the books! I love it!! I can't wait to see how it turns out :)

  3. I'm glad your finger is feeling better! I love the idea for the bookshelf quilt. That is something that she will treasure forever! Cats just love to be in the middle of things.

  4. That book quilt is such a great idea!

  5. I love the book quilt idea. I'm also happy for you that your finger is better. I had a friend do the same and I know it was not fun at all.

  6. I like the Steeler's quilt! Very nice.


  7. I got to see all of these in person when Kate came to my Retreat at our LQS this week & have to say they all look even better in person! Go Kate!
