Well, I can't say I figured out how to take good pictures of a purse, but I managed to take a couple decent ones.
(Just ignore the slight blur. I was laying across the guest bed with the camera dangling off the edge to get the shot. These are the only doors decent enough to take a picture on.)
It's a basic slouchy purse, about 16x12" with a 3" wide strap that's about 30" long. No pattern, just guesswork.
Inside there are three pockets; two on one side, one on the other. The bottom is about 2" deep - just enough for the paperwork or school work the recipient always carries.
The outside fabric is from Hobby Lobby. The inside bears a little explanation. My husband's squadron is a joint Air Force/Navy one. The Navy tradition is to call the Commanding Officer's Wife a C.O.W. Our COW is leaving soon, and I wanted her to be able to think of her year as COW whenever she opens this bag. :)
And on a semi-related note, yesterday my husband went from being a captain to a major-select. Woo!
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