
Monday, January 24, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 4

The sailboat quilt is back up, now with background fabric so I can visualize what I still need.
Four is plenty on the waterline. I think I need at least two more in the water. Anyone have a favorite (simple!) sailboat block I haven't made yet?
As pictured, the quilt is approximately 48x36, which is about the length I want. It will be wider when I add the lighthouse.

Check out other walls on Patchwork Times!


  1. Really making a flotilla there--adorable.

  2. Wow! That's great. Have you tried Quilter's Cache? ( They have lots of free patterns there.

  3. It really is a wonderful looking quilt. I will second Tamera on going to the Quilters Cache.

  4. Very cute...sorry I can't help you with a pattern. I've never made sailboats.
