
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Stash Report - Week 5

A quick stash report - due to the nasty illness and a flight to DC with the Dude, I didn't have time to shop, or sew. I got the binding on Cinderella before I left, and a little package came from eBay.
 Yeah, the Objects of Desire honey bun and panel. I'm a little obsessed. I don't want to talk about it.

Used this Week: 0.44
Used Year to Date: 10.89
Added this Week: 2.67
Added Year to Date: 33.02
Net Used for 2011: (22.13) yards
Check out the others on Patchwork Times!

I won't have a design wall tomorrow, due to the nasty illness and the fact that I'm in DC and my design wall, not so much.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sliced Coins Quilt Along - Slicing Up

I haven't been able to devote as much time as I would have liked to cutting my coins for this quilt, due to illness. First the Dude came down with strep, on the weekend of course. The three hours we spent at urgent care exposed me to some sort of vague upper respiratory infection of sorts.
So there was no cutting, nor any sewing, for the past few days.
I managed to cut about thirty coins before the household became germ infested.
 I still need a decent amount more since I only went up to 6.5" in the biggest coins. This is barely scratching the surface of my novelty prints, though, so I'm not too worried about catching up. Sadly.
I am worried about picking a solid. I think blue would be overdoing - a lot of the prints have blue. Definitely not white or a cream - he's a little boy and little boys shouldn't have to worry that much about keeping their blankies clean. Maybe a green? Or a dark yellow?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Postage Stamp Quilt Along - Step Two

Moving right along on the Postage Stamp Quilt Along. This is such an easy project, even when using yardage and fat quarters instead of a jelly roll.
 I sliced everything into 2.5" strips and dropped them in two bags, then just pulled a strip and chain-sewed till I had my sets. It's not a coincidence that the bags are from my LQS and DSW. ;)
The only "planning" I did was try not to have any repeats in rows that touched, and no more than two repeating fabrics per square.
When I started I tried to limit how many cream, green or teal made it in each block, because I was afraid that the quilt wouldn't be pink enough. Yes, I actually thought that. Yeesh.
Now I'm off to put it all together!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 4

The sailboat quilt is back up, now with background fabric so I can visualize what I still need.
Four is plenty on the waterline. I think I need at least two more in the water. Anyone have a favorite (simple!) sailboat block I haven't made yet?
As pictured, the quilt is approximately 48x36, which is about the length I want. It will be wider when I add the lighthouse.

Check out other walls on Patchwork Times!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Stash Report - Week 4

I'm working my way back toward black, slowly!
I bought and used 1.2 yards of the gray and burgundy for the Alpha Phi t-shirt quilt.
 Made this pillow cover from V and Co's tutorial. I made it twice the size so I could cover an existing pillow, and used one of the fabrics leftover from my Postage Stamp Quilt.
 And I used my ruffler foot for the first time! I am so in love with this sucker - it took longer to put it on than it did to sew perfect gathers.
My other purchase was the Saturday Sampler at my LQS. The pattern is Wing and a Prayer's Wildflower Rhapsody; the fabric is Timeless Treasures. I'm guesstimating the smaller pieces at 0.25 yard total.

Used this Week: 2.2
Used Year to Date: 10.45
Added this Week: 1.95
Added Year to Date: 30.35
Net Used for 2011: (19.9) yards
Just under 20 yards net! Check out everyone else at Patchwork Times

Thursday, January 20, 2011

T-Shirt Quilt - Top Finished

Easy peasy! 
As long as you use lightweight non-woven interfacing, that is.
I considered skipping that step (because I love skipping steps, especially those that cost $$), but it was totally worth it. No stretching or curling or any of the other annoying things jersey knit does.
I went with the cornerstones and I think it looks great! Plus I only needed a yard of the gray instead of 1.75 yards.
 Tycho "helps" line up the seams.
I wish I could count the t-shirts in my stash busting - three 14.5" squares in each WOF busts over 2 yards. But I think that would be cheating.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Postage Stamp Quilt Along - Step One

I finished the stripwork just in time this morning, even though I had to quick cut and sew an extra fat-quarter-size set. Go figure, randomly slicing into yardage and fat quarters without planning isn't always the best way to do things!
 I've added a couple new fabrics, mostly playing up the greens and aquas.
My strips include:
Bloom & Grow (My Mind's Eye/Riley Blake)
L'Amour and/or Candy Kisses (Sandy Gervais/Moda)
Whimsy (Fig Tree/Moda)
Hunky Dory (Chez Moi/Moda)
Oz (Sanae/Moda)
Love Letters (Sharyn Sowell/Clothworks)
Simplicity (3 Sisters/Moda)

Time to get moving on the patchwork! In between sewing sashing on those t-shirts...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 3

The design wall is not thrilling this week - at least, not to me. An Alpha Phi might like it.
I'm off to get non-woven interfacing and sashing - the sorority colors are silver and Bordeaux. I think I'm going to use silver for the sashing and Bordeaux for the border. Or maybe as cornerstones in the sashing, too. I need to do my math first.

Check out other design walls on Patchwork Times!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Stash Report - Week 3

This week was the OKC quilt show. So... Well, let's just get right to it.
I can't believe I missed this line! The only thing I love more than fabric is shoes. And words. But that's a whole 'nother thing.
Near as I can figure, it's from 2008, which means hunting down more yardage and precuts will be hard...but also on sale!
I think with this line, and my love of Lollipop, Frolic, Crazy 8, Merry & Bright... I'm going to go ahead and declare Sandy Gervais my favorite designer EVAH.
Robert Kaufman Mon Sheri fat quarters. Why? I don't know. They were pretty.
Fat quarters, I think some/most are Riley Blake Sweet Divinity. Why? I don't know. They were pretty.
 Eleven fat quarters, because it was buy 10, get 1 free. About half are for my Sliced Coin Quilt for my nephew. The other half... I don't know. They were pretty.
I also grabbed two fat quarters for the Postage Stamp Quilt, even though I swore I was going to do that entirely from stash. I think the green is Oz by Sanae; I have no idea what the cream is.
Two panels. Mickey because, well, Disney is right there with fabric and shoes and words. My kitchen is will eventually be done in coffee fabrics.

On the sewing front, I quilted Cinderella (but that's already counted) and sewed strips for the Postage Stamp (but that can't be counted till it's done.) 

So let's just get to the painful part of this.

Used this Week: 0
Used Year to Date:8.25
Added this Week: 25.4
Added Year to Date: 28.4
Net Used for 2011: (20.15) yards

See if anyone did worse than me at Patchwork Times!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cinderella - Quilting

I finished quilting Cinderella this afternoon, after pin-basting it twice. Do check and make sure you don't pin one side upside down.
This is the largest thing I've quilted - yeah, 60x75" is huge. :) At least, if you have to sit under the kitchen table to pin-baste, it's huge. 
I was worried about it because the two sides are very close in size.
I was right to worry. Oops. Luckily it was only that side, and I trimmed about a half inch off the other side, and it looks fairly even.

Only one prairie point flag was an issue, thank goodness. I need to put on the regular foot to get closer, but that's the only place I need to do clean-up.
I think the double lines (on the edges of the "scenes" on the other side) look pretty nice on the castle.
I have lots of leftover purple Fairy Frost, so that will be the binding. Because if there's one thing this quilt is lacking, it's purple. And Fairy Frost.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A journey begins

You know how they say journeys begin with a single step?
 Well, some begin with a two-hour drive to Tulsa.
111 miles on 1/11/11. I'd say that's fate, or something.
And this is cryptic, or something. ;)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 2

I started this quilt as leaders-and-enders on Cinderella. Actually, I started it 4+ years ago when my sister was pregnant with my niece. I bought this book by Debbie Mumm at the Fabric Depot in Portland, inspired by the sailboat and lighthouse quilt on the front. 
Needless to say, my niece never got the quilt, but my brand new nephew will. Or something vaguely based on that quilt.
So far, all I've been doing is making various sailboat blocks inspired by Google and Flikr. It's about time to make sure all the boats have hulls and measure them so I can start arranging the regatta in the "water" and add the lighthouse.
We also - finally! - got snow today. The Dude was happy.

Check out more design walls at Patchwork Times!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Stash Report - Week 2

So the "no buy until the OKC Quilt Show" didn't quite happen.
 I blame other bloggers.
P.S. I Quilt is doing a Postage Stamp Quilt Along. I bought 3 yards of baby pink Kona cotton. Everything else is stash...unless I see something at the quilt show.
Don't Call Me Betsy is doing a Sliced Coin Quilt Along. I didn't buy for this one...yet. But I've been planning an iSpy quilt for my nephew and I think this design will work well (and inspire me to finish!)

I'm counting Cinderella as finished, and guessing on the yardage. I think the castle was around 1.5 yard in each color, the borders were 2.25 yards, and the scenery side was about 3 yards.

Used this Week: 8.25
Used year to Date:8.25
Added this Week: 3
Added Year to Date: 3
Net Used for 2011: 5.25 yards
Check out more at Patchwork Times!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cinderella - Front Finished

The borders are on and I'm declaring her done! After 18 months on the to-do pile.
My sister bought the original fabric, which I cut into scenes. My mother did the math to make everything square up...mostly. 
It's a whole lot of purple, and I wasn't sure the white border would work, but I think it does. Also, I didn't want to go buy another two yards of something else.
Now I just need to find a big enough space to baste it - it's bigger than my kitchen floor!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Layer Cake Quilt Along - Block Five

More catch-up on the Layer Cake Quilt Along...
This one I started to totally change, as seen above. I thought it looked a bit off in the instructions and decided to flip all the blocks around.
Then I checked out the Flikr group, and darn it all, everyone's block done the original way look better! I'm going to blame the digital picture - it just looked flat.
So I'm back to the original design. Don't tell Cara I messed with it. She hosts Talk Night Tuesday and I don't want her blocking me on Twitter. ;)
Oh, and yes, I know there's something missing in the block. I didn't want to cut into another layer cake piece, so I'm waiting on a scrap. I don't like the way any of my leftover 4.5" squares look so far, but I'm sure I'll have more options as the QA continues!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Layer Cake Quilt Along - Block Four

Catching up on the Layer Cake Quilt Along after the holidays...
 I didn't change a thing with this block, except using two green layer cake pieces instead of the accent fabric. I think I have plenty of pieces left still, and I haven't decided on an accent anyway!
I made a conscious effort to use a black piece, since I haven't touched those yet. Both of the corner pieces on the snowball are scraps.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cinderella Castle - Back Finished

I finished the back (front?) with borders this afternoon, but not in time to get pictures without shadows. Ah well. You'll have to wait until it's done for quality photos.

I decided to use the purple in the archway, even though it meant about twenty seams. There's a Cinderella in my scraps that might work, but it's already in the front (back?) so I'm not sure I want to repeat it.
The front (back?) needs borders...and, um, that last block. It was an embroidered glass slipper on the white from the back (front?) border, but it looked very not-purple. So I'm redoing it.
Brought both inside and dumped on the table for a minute. Ten seconds later...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 1

The design wall is overflowing.
 Towers #1-4 and #7-9 are finished. I just have to figure out what's going in the archway. I ran out of the purple batik - actually, I ran out of that in the towers. I'm hoping the "almost close enough" new purple fades a bit in the wash. (I pre-washed the first purple, but not the second.)
So... Yet another purple batik? Something totally different? Searching through my Cinderella scraps for some scenery? Appliqueing Cindy herself?

Check out more design walls at Judy's Patchwork Times!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Stash Report - Week 1

I'm starting the year off right. And/or boring.
Nothing in, nothing out.
My LQS had a sale yesterday, but I couldn't muster the energy. Even with a gift card!
In less than two weeks, it'll be the OKC quilt show, so I'm sure I'll make up for it there.
I did some organizing - sorted an entire box of scraps - and cutting, but no sewing until the Dude and the husband go back to school/work.

Used this Week: 0
Used year to Date: 0
Added this Week: 0
Added Year to Date: 0
Net Used for 2011: 0 yards

And because no one wants a post without pics...
My still-slightly-disorganized precious-planned-project stash. The ordinary stash is in the cabinet below.

Don't forget to check Judy at Patchwork Times to see other reports!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals for 2011

Goals... Reasonable Goals... Achievable Goals...
That's the plan, at least.
One for each month to get rid of the UFOs/stash.

1. My new nephew's sailboat quilt.  Vaguely based on the lighthouse one on the cover.
2. My older nephew's I Spy quilt. I have a huge pile of novelty scraps. I don't think I'm even going to snowball it. Maybe I'll sash it on point.
3. Two t-shirt quilts. The first for my Alpha Omega neighbor. The second, my own Pi Beta Phi shirts, to be donated to the house at my tenth reunion in October.
4. Finish the Cinderella quilt.
5. Finish the Charm Pack Quilt Along.
6. Continue the Layer Cake Quilt Along.
7. Find something to do with my new pretties. Or just stare at them for a year. And buy the other set.
8. Tennessee Waltz quilt for my mother
9. Dutch Pinwheels quilt for my mother
10. Frolic Shoofly - I might change the big block in the middle. Or I might not. Or I might make two, since I have two panels, so I don't have to decide.
11. Rudolph quilt for the Dude (I'm ignoring the pile of Cars fabric. Maybe that's a bad thing.)
12. Stash quilts - specifically a purple one after Cinderella is done, and a flannel one. My flannel box is overflowing.

and in the non-fabric part of the world...
1. Learn how to take better pictures. I'm friends with Lori Barbely Photography and Click It Up A Notch. How is it that my photos suck so bad?
2. Learn how to use Flikr.
3. Participate in more blog network things, like Stash Report Sunday, Design Wall Monday, and Stash Manicure. Mostly to motivate me to move some projects through and possibly buy less fabric. (Ha.)
4. Open an Etsy shop. Have enough stuff to sell in an Etsy shop.
5. Take a journey. ;)