
Monday, August 18, 2014


This week was Vacation Bible School at our church, so I got a little less sewing time, but a lot more craft time. Somehow every time we find a new church, they automatically put me in the craft room for VBS. Weird. ;)

This is the pile of crafts the kids brought home. I'm most excited about the Jesus sign - we had one in our house growing up, and now I have my own! I mean, the Dude has his. I guess. Technically.

In the afternoon, I tried to stick with making five blocks a day for the flannel stars. I failed by the end of the week, but with a final push on Saturday, I got them finished and laid out with the pillowcases and jeans. All the columns are stitched together now; I just need to put it all together.

I also finished the inside patchwork for Cardinal Charms. Unfortunately, the consensus is my friends hate me don't think I should be lazy, and it really needs a stop border before the blue cardinals. I'm hoping I have enough leftover of the cream with red dots from the above quilt.

I made some awesome candy cane stripe binding and attached it to the front of Christmas Stars. Now I just need to get some hand stitching time.

I finally pulled a couple more Weekly Churn Dashes together. A couple darker greens this week, since I did bright greens during dark green month.

And my new leader/ender project - California Girl Hourglasses. I just have to say, it is great to have a L/E project that I love, because it makes me want to work on my other projects to add blocks!

Also, everyone say "Hi, CC!"

On Sunday evening, I had finished all my weekly projects, and it wasn't quite time to start dinner. I didn't want to drag out a big project, and clearly I wasn't going to clean anything, so I started playing with the leftover corners from Wee Wander.

But then the girls ended up in the same place on opposite sides, looking like the creepy twins from The Shining, and the boy is really a faceless body catching fireflies, and maybe they're not catching fireflies but SOULS. And now something so very sweet is kinda creepy.

On another note...the color palette of the week...purple! I know Jennie's a big fan of Frozen, so I counter with the much better recent princess movie.

BOMs Away Monday @ What A Hoot
Design Wall Monday @ Patchwork Times
Color Mondays @ Porch Swing Quilts
Linky Tuesday @ Freemotion by the River
WiP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced
Rainbow Scrap Challenge @ SoScrappy
Slow Sunday Stitching @ Kathy's Quilts
Fabric Frenzy Friday @ Fort Worth Fabric


  1. I think you got plenty done! And I love that candy cane binding on your Christmas project. And VBS? Quite the fan, and I was in charge of crafts I bet for a full decade. ;-)

  2. Tangled? Better than Frozen? I BEG to differ. But you're allowed your misguided opinion. Just means you're closer to the nuthouse than I am. I didn't even do a Frozen palette today, even though there are some gorgeous purples in that fabulous Disney movie.

    I'm glad you're doing the stop border. I don't hate you. I just want to torture you. Believe me, it's the best kind of friendship.

    I need to learn more about this leaders/enders dark art. Not that I need more to do, but what is it?

  3. Your leader/ender project is awesome! I think it would motivate me to do more sewing too :) Your flannel stars is lovely too! I'd say for not being very productive, you were pretty darn productive!!

  4. You did get a lot done. The Flannel Stars look great. The candy cane binding is brilliant!

  5. LOL!! Kate! You must have just been watching too many horror fliks or something - the Wee Wander leftovers mash-up doesn't look creepy to me. :)

    That cream is a perfect stop border. Yep, it needs to be there. ;D
