
Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Pajamas 2010

This year, for some reason, I thought it would be cool to make six pairs of Christmas pajamas. I thought I was paring it down by only making bottoms, not tops.
I was still sewing Christmas morning.
And none of them are hemmed, even now.

These came out okay, but because of the way I folded the fabric*, half the pants have snowmen going the wrong way on the front and back.
*The "fabric" was king-size flannel sheets from Target. Hey, where else can you get that much flannel for $20? But, um, pay attention to the way you fold the flat sheet if you want the pattern to match.
For mine and my sister's, I used Simplicity 2414. And I hate the waist. What's the deal with the extra fabric above and below the casing? It bunched up weird. I'm thinking of adding elastic or something to make it more waist-like. 
My original plan for my husband and father's was to just add a couple inches all around. Except when my husband tried mine on (to see where I needed to add), I discovered...boys need more room in the crotch.
I ran to the thrift store and grabbed a PJ pattern for 64-cents (love you, thrift store!) Yeah, there's a big difference in the crotch. Slightly more than adding an inch or two here or there.
So the other three pairs ended up coming from Simplicity 5994.
And can I take a moment to give some love to my table? An entire pant leg pattern fits on there! (When it's clean.) IKEA, I love you.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Sewing - Burp Rags & Ribbon Blankie

I got all my Christmas sewing done on time, believe it or not! Well, unless you count the unmade Rudolph quilt for my son. There's always next year.
 My older sister went to UVa. Her husband went to William & Mary. She thinks these are too nice to allow my nephew to spit up on. He thinks my nephew should puke on them.
Two have the strips of fabric running down the middle, one has the fabric across the bottom.
My nephew also got a UVa ribbon blankie, with blue flannel on the back. I'm not usually a pre-washer, but I think the flannel should have been.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Layer Cake Quilt Along - Block Three

I didn't follow the instructions very well on the third block of the Layer Cake Quilt Along. I didn't like the thought of using three layers when two plus scraps worked just fine, and I preferred the background on the top corners of the handle.
Of course, immediately after finishing, I browsed the Flikr group and discovered that I really liked the way the block looked when using the same accent fabric on the top of the handle. And I have exactly the right amount left. So...
I'm still trying to decide.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Quick Christmas Wreath

I got this idea from a Christmas quilt book, but of course I can't remember the name! The pattern is by Doreen Burbank, though.
I also didn't have the templates from the book, so I made a couple test cuts before I realized this could be done with the Alabama Spinner block deconstructed.
Instead of putting them together to make a block, I used the various pieces to surround an 8.5" solid block.
The pattern called for snowballing the middle block, which I didn't do (lazy) but admit it would really look better. 
I love the bow - it's just stitched into the seams.
The pattern called for a skinny cream border, then a red border with another ribbon bow, but I ran out of time.
 Mine measured 16.5x16.5".
Made from Christmas fat quarters my mother gave me, which means they were probably bought ten years ago at the Rag Shop in NJ.
I quilted in the ditch, outlining the wreath.
And off it went to the squadron spouses' White Elephant gift exchange!

Monday, December 13, 2010

100 Quilts for Christmas

1. Make a blanket
2. Take a picture
3. Donate the blanket to someone or an organization of your choice
4. Post a picture of the quilt on any of three link-up days, and of course there will be prizes!

Pretty easy, huh? 
Except today is the last link-up day, and despite knowing about this for a month, I'm behind on everything.

Quilt top has been done for ages, and this link-up inspired me to get it out and get it done.
It's made of Michael Miller Lil' Plain Jane Daisies, Michael Miller dots and stripes, pink something-or-other from Hobby Lobby, and dotted flannel of some sort.
Fleece as the backing/batting.
Measures 40x44".
Will be on its way to OKC's Project Linus by Wednesday.
In honor of Lori Barbely Photography, who donated the Michael Miller fabrics.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Piping Hot Binding

I took a class on Piping Hot Binding last week - almost every quilt at my LQS is bound this way and I will do anything to get out of hand-sewing the binding. I like it...mostly.
It looks (almost) professional on my first try, adds dimension to the table runner, and is generally very easy. It usually takes me forever to hand-sew, and I had the table runner completely bound, including making the piping, in four hours. Plus, the technique can be used to add almost anything to the binding - ric-rack, pre-made ruffles or trim, etc.

What I didn't like was the amount of fabric leftover from making the piping. The instructions call for 1.25" strips for the piping, which my teacher said was difficult to work with on the first try (and I believe her!) My 2.25" strips after trimming the piping were 0.75" - and I typically don't save pieces less than 1". So I don't know if I want to attempt the 1.25" strips, or go bigger so I have at least an inch leftover.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Layer Cake Quilt Along - Block Two

I'm not in love with this second block of the Layer Cake Quilt Along. But I guess that's part of the fun of a sampler quilt.
Also, I'm just sayin' - you might want to double check your layers when making HSTs.